Jan 262013


Akiva had a birthday party at indoor water park. The party was a blast!! Akiva told us this was the best birthday part every. All his friends agreed and told him this was the best part they have ever attended.

[Jesse] For me, I’m very happy Akiva had a great birthday party. However, it was not easy directing the activities of 6 seven/eight year old boys… getting them through the locker room, making sure they don’t drown, coaching one of them to use a squat-toilet to go poo-poo, etc.


[Jesse] They had a wave-pool, which created surf-conditions for about 15 minutes every hour. The kids thought that was very fun.



This is my feet with many Dr. fish.

There was a Doctor Fish pound. The fish come to eat dead skin out of your feet. It is hard to describe the feeling when the fish nibble on your feet, I had to grab on to something hard otherwise I would jump up and scare the fish. I had to bite my lips hard too otherwise I would scream.


[Jesse] It was about 2C outside (maybe around 38-40F), but the outdoor “hot spring” pools were very hot. The hot-spring pools all had tea-bags or milk or wine or something to give it a color and smell. Supposedly our skin is supposed to receive many benefits from the different types of pools. Of course I like the Japanese natural springs better (with the strong sulfer smell), but this was a still a fun activity for Suzhou in the winter-time. Haga mentioned that it would also be nice if we could come back…just us… and we were drinking wine. If it snows again this year we also need to go to the hot springs again.



 Posted by at 10:53 am

  One Response to “Akiva’s 8 years old birthday party”

  1. Happpy Birthday Akiva!
    We love you!
    Grandma, Grandpa, Rachel, Micah, Lilly and Beau

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