Sep 272007

A play group for Japanese speaking moms and babies threw a birthday potluck party for Kenaz. We had all kind of good food, sushi rice balls, beef stroganoff, Korean seafood pancakes, meatballs, fried soft cheese, and cake. Thank you for Kinoshita-san to make a wonderful birthday sign!

 Posted by at 2:22 pm

  2 Responses to “Kenaz BD Party at Play Group”

  1. Happy Birthday, Kenaz!
    BTW, I just emailed Haga-san at address, but the email was bounced back.
    Etsuko-san (former JSR) wants to contact you.
    Please e-mail Fumie.

  2. Happy Birthday Kenaz!
    Grandma, Grandpa, Rachi, Micah and the poodle dogs!

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