Oct 212005

The short version; we went to Shanghai for the weekend with Erik, Heidi, and Kirsten. We all went out to alot of places and had a good time. Haga and I took just a few pictures. Here are some of the specifics:

On Friday, we went to the train station. All the trains were sold out, so we went to a guy in a wheel-chair around the corner and bought scalped tickets. We got to Shanghai around 17:00. Checked into a cheap hotel (hotel168 : http://www.motel168.com/ for more detailed review click here) Then we went to “M on the Bund“. We met up with Heidi’s friend Karen, who organizes big events for companies. The restaurant was too rich for my taste. I also had a bad stomach problem so I just had really expensive clam-sauce spaghetti there. The view, however, was fantastic.
View from the restaurant.

View from restaurant M on Bund in Puxi looking across the river. Akiva really liked the view too.

So that night, we tried to decide what we would do the next day. Erik couldn’t make up his mind. Haga says that American’s put so much emphasis on being good leaders that we often don’t know how to be good followers. Anyway, we decided to meet the next day on the Pudong side of the river at a Starbucks. Erik told us that on the way home, their taxi driver fell asleep at the wheel and they were really freaked out. I take this story with a grain of salt.

Akiva liked this view too.

View from Starbucks in Pudong. I like the commie sail boat. I wish I was on it. On the other hand, there are a lot of barges on this river, and the water is fairly dirty.

On Saturday we went to XiangYang market. Erik went sort of crazy buying cheap stuff. He did OK though with his bargaining. We also took them to eat NorthEast food…and they really liked it. At night took them to XinJiang food. And late at night Jesse took Erik to every bar area in the city. Luckily, no pictures of this are available.

 Posted by at 12:54 pm

  2 Responses to “Famous View in Shanghai”

  1. hey guys is nice to know that you are doin fine. im at the library about to finish my session take care

  2. Well, how are you doing? Are you going to be Selena again for holloween?

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